Natural raw honey delivery
directly from our apiaries!

Delivery to GULF countries:
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates

We at Gold Bee Trade are determined to develop and support beekeeping in Georgia and offer to our customers 100% natural honey & hive products. Our apiaries are located in different regions of Georgia, on the souther slopes of Great Caucasus Mountain Range.



Natural raw honey delivered directly from the motherland of beekeeping - Georgia, Caucasus!

Jujube honey is one of the most exotic and valuable varieties of honey. Caucasian Jujube honey has an unrivaled aroma and various beneficial properties.

Chestnut honey is one of the healthiest honeys thanks to its mineral content, exceptionally strong antioxidant and powerful anti-bacterial properties. It has a strong aromatic taste and smoky flavor.

Mad honey or Miel fou or Pontic honey, also called as Deli Bal is one of the most exotic honey varieties produced by honeybees from the nectar of Rhododendron plant.

Natural raw honey delivery directly from our apiaries located in Caucasus!

ARAMEX courier service is your choice for worldwide shipping solutions at a competitive price. You can also manage and track your shipment online.

Caucasian honey - GOLDBEE

GOLDBEE apiaries in Caucasus mountains

Raw honey (pure natural, unheated, unpasteurized, unfiltered and unprocessed) contains disease-preventing and disease-fighting flavonoids. It preserves all the natural vitamins, amino acids, minerals, enzymes, phytonutrients and other nutritional elements. Raw honey contains both propolis, a natural powerful antibiotic and bee pollen, rich with vitamins. Consumer of raw honey get the benefits of those two natural powerhouses as well. It has been scientifically proven to help with allergies, diabetes, sleep problems, coughs, wound healing and many other health issues.

Bees spend thousands of hours collecting pollen from around 2 million flowers to make about 500 grams of pure honey.

Caucasus mountains has very rich flora. Many species are endemic to Caucasus and Georgia. Unic flora, diverse climatic conditions and non-polluted area ensure high quality of produced honey and meets export requirements of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia.

GOLDBEE finest raw honey has an unrivaled flowery aroma and superior taste which makes it an excellent choice for everyone!
The world's oldest honey

Georgia has a long history of beekeeping. So far, the oldest remains of honey in the world have been found in Georgia. Archaeologists have found honey remains on the inner surface of clay vessels unearthed an ancient tomb, dating back to some 5,500 years ago.

The honey vessels and other artifacts were found in the tomb of an apparent female noblewoman, which was discovered in 2003 during the construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline.

GOLDBEE honey quality

Honey is certified by the Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture
of Georgia and meets the highest international standards.

- 100% raw, natural, unheated honey
- Hydroxymethylfurfural: Negative
- Mechanical pollution: 0
- Glucose/Fructose sum: 63
- Radiation: Free
- pH: 6,53 (Standards: Low – 3,00 Max 6,00. Ideal 6,00+)
- Diastase (Schade scale): 19,8 (Standard: 8,0 and more)
- Moisture content: 15,6% (Standard: 17.8%)
- Saccharose: 3,8
- Antibiotics/Chemical additives: Free

See what our client are saying

This honey is wonderful and pure tasting. I highly recommend!

This is a great honey product at a very good price for me and my family.

This is really delicious honey! Once you try it, you'll never go back!

Apis Mellifera Caucasica

The gray Caucasus mountain honeybee, one of the world’s three types of honeybees, has a legendary ability to produce large amounts of honey despite cold weather and bad conditions. Georgia is the central homeland for the species. Caucasus bee’s proboscis length is about 7.3 mm, therefore it can reach nectar that its competitors cannot.

The Caucasus honeybee has a long history of importance to beekeeping worldwide. The bees were first sent to the United States for commercial production in the late 19th century. Georgia’s Caucasus bee is also known as Apis Mellifera Caucasica. The scientists were amazed by its ability to out-produce other bee types, even in non-native habitats.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Georgia become an independent country and an export of Caucasian queenbees & hive products renewed. We at Gold Bee Trade are determined to develop and support beekeeping in Georgia and offer to our customers 100% natural & healthiest honey & hive products. Also we are in position to export queen bees to any interested companies or individuals in the world and support government beekeeping programs in European Union and USA.

GoldenBee honey from Georgia, Caucasus

Find more information about Georgia here!

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